CX Certification & Fee | Global CEM Certification Program

CX Certification & Fee


CX Certification Criteria

The content of the Global CEM Certification Program is developed based on the Branded Customer Experience Management Method (also known as PIG Strategy), with which will be used to measure the participants' ability to understand and apply what they have learnt in the program into a real business case. 

CX Certification Process

Participants have to attend and complete the whole CX certification training program with corresponding in-class exercises and one take-home certificate assignment.

The certificate assignment should be presented in the form of a business case or proposal, writing to solve a particular customer experience (CX) problem or to develop a CX plan for a company, using the theories, tools and methods taught in the program. Participants will be given at least six weeks to complete the assignment.

The certification process is optional for the participants. For those who don't require certification, we could instead issue a Letter of Attendance upon request. 

Global CEM Certified CX Professional

Upon getting certified, participants are eligible to include the following logo in their credentials as an endorsement of accomplishment - Global CEM Certified Customer Experience Professional.     

The logo signifies the milestone of Global CEM (Global Customer Experience Management Organization) being the first organization to launch a CX certification program in the world in 2006.

There is no extra cost for the certification, the fee is included in the training program fee.     


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