About the Book
This business book looks at customer experience differently: Pain Is Good.
By allowing customer pain points/efforts/frictions, PIG Strategy stands the sacred belief of pursuing excellence on its head and starts a resource revolution – to deliver more (effectiveness) with less (resource).
By identifying good pain and branded pleasure, PIG Strategy makes customer-centricity obsolete and delivers a branded experience, which can build trust with and earn the loyalty of your customers.
By enlarging the pleasure-pain gap, PIG Strategy creates the highest possible branded pleasure, experiences which are difficult to imitate or match, and takes CEM (customer experience management) to a new level, a place far beyond “wowing” customers.
No matter how big (or small) your company is, what your brand values are, or in which industry you compete, there is no more effective way to transform your comparative advantages into sustainable strengths while deploying no extra resources.
"Wonderful strategy!" – Maurice Barnes, CEO, Unnitel (Australia)
“Sampson Lee is an innovator and true thought leader in the customer experience world." – Bob Thompson, Founder/CEO, CustomerThink (United States)
“Sampson’s methodology is pivotal to my career development and enables me to develop into business leader rather than customer service specialist." – Wayne Grimshawe, Head of Customer Services, Barclays Corporate (United Kingdom)
“I attended the Global CEM Certification Program in London. Sampson's methodology was for me an eye-opener and since then we are very attentive at how to enhance customer experience on our IMD campus." – Guy Schröcker, Executive Director Marketing & Communications, IMD Business School (Switzerland)“We licensed Sampson’s methodology for years. This brought us and our customers valuable results: improved loyalty, brand differentiation and increased sales. We applied his method successfully in financial services, telecom, FMCG, e-Commerce and retail." – Kees Kerkvliet, Owner, TOTE-M (Netherlands)
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